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Duct Work


Keith’s offers infrared leakage detection. Do you find yourself avoiding uncomfortable rooms in your home? Duct work leaks can dramatically reduce the cooling capacity of an otherwise well-installed and maintained air conditioner. Duct leakage is usually the primary reason why a system can’t cool the house during hot weather.

Heat pumps, in particular, are very sensitive to duct leakage. By sucking cold outside air into the returns and losing some heating supply air, the net-delivered output of the system drops. If you need duct work repaired in your home, give us a call.


Although energy savings are substantial and will usually pay for the repairs, it is important to note that having your ducts checked for leakage may extend the life of your heating and/or air conditioning unit.

Find out if your duct work is leaking!

Schedule a duct leak test with infrared diagnostics:

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